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Sight and Vision: 2020 National Scholarship Contest

I wrote this poem to answer the 2020 National Scholarship Contest's prompt "Helen Keller said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” What does that mean to you?" Click on the image above to hear my recitation and see the video I submitted for this scholarship contest.

Sight is what the physical eye sees and observes.

It is what is present and what is real.

Vision is the act of seeing beyond...

Beyond time and reality to see what could be.

It has no boundaries or limitations

To have vision is to use the imagination; to see a future not yet realized.

Sight can be taken away in an instant,

From the flick of a switch

Or to the ravages of sickness

What once was bright and beautiful can vanish into darkness

Vision is not so easily destroyed.

Helen Keller once said,

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision."

To see what is before you and lose sight of what is ahead is a truly horrible fate.

Vision allows us to see beyond a broken world to a hoped-for future

To lose sight of that is worse than losing the physical sight

So, wherever you are in life,

Do not lose sight of your vision

Hold fast to your purpose and live a life that will bring it to fruition

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