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the elephant | spoken word poem

A/N: The fourth Monday of February came and went and still no word from Gabrie..... sorry for the late post. I was hoping to finish and post Freeways today but alas it was not to be. Anyway, here is a peace offering in the form of a poem (check out the video below to hear my reading of this poem).

Imposition, impetus, and personable: three words I like that no one I know uses. As I contemplated these three words, the following poem came about.

the elephant by Gabriella Jeane

I can see the elephant forming, When I meet a person for the first time, Their eyes, meeting mine then shifting to the scar.

Out of thin air, this massive grey beast stands between us. With a blanket called politeness, they cover this gigantic apparition, Sealing their lips, frantically gesturing for the creature to stand to the side. The elephant senses it is an imposition on this delicate situation of first impressions. It uncomfortably tiptoes to the corner and tries to hide in this empty room Of memories and experiences not yet made And so, this person who could become a friend talks, Like a magician pulling objects out of a hat to hide the beast they cannot dismiss, In an attempt to be personable and abide by social norms

And so, their discomfort becomes the impetus to my next words, "You can ask me, I don't mind." And for the second time, we lock eyes then look to the elephant And as if permission gave if freedom, it fades into the air.

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