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Easy On Plan Omelette

Ever been in a rush and too busy to make your lean and green meal? It's 10 minutes before your scheduled eating time and you have no food. If you're in that boat, here's an easy recipe for you.

Lean and green meals at a glance:

  • 5-7 oz lean protein

  • 3 servings of non-starchy vegetables

  • ≤ 2 servings of healthy fats (depending on your choice of lean protein)

  • ≤ 3 condiments

Note: You may only have 3 whole eggs as your lean up to 2 times per week.

Version 1: Simplest

Yields 1 serving

Time: 7 minutes


  • 3 eggs (1 serving of lean protein)

  • 9.5 oz frozen cauliflower rice (3 servings of greens)

  • 2 T Salsa (2 condiments)

  • pinch of salt

  • pinch of pepper


Defrost cauliflower rice in the microwave according to package instructions. Beat eggs in a bowl, add a pinch of salt and pepper and pour into a hot nonstick pan over medium heat. Cook for about 2 minutes, allowing the eggs to set. Flip and cook for another two minutes until brown. Serve over cauliflower rice, add salsa, and enjoy.

Version 2: Tomato Omelette

Yields 1 serving

Time: 9 minutes


  • 3 eggs (1 serving of lean protein)

  • 6.34 oz frozen cauliflower rice (2 servings of greens)

  • 3.17 oz tomatoes (1 serving of green)

  • 2 T Salsa (2 condiments)

  • pinch of salt

  • pinch of pepper


Same as above but chop tomatoes and cook in a pan for 1.5 min over medium heat before adding eggs. Follow the rest of the process in version 1.

Version 3: Tomato and Spinach Omelette

Yields 1 serving

Time: 11 minutes


  • 3 eggs (1 serving of lean protein)

  • 6.34 oz frozen cauliflower rice (2 servings of greens)

  • 1.6 oz tomatoes (half a serving of green)

  • 1.8 oz fresh spinach (half serving of green)

  • 2 T Salsa (2 condiments)

  • pinch of salt

  • pinch of pepper


Chop tomatoes and cut spinach into strips. Cook tomatoes in a pan for 1.5 min over medium heat then add spinach and eggs. Follow the rest of the process in version 1.

Version 4: Cheese Omelette

In the previous two versions, we changed the greens but kept the lean protein the same. In this version. We are changing the lean. You can keep the green from version 1 (all cauliflower), version 2 (cauliflower + tomatoes), or version 3, (cauliflower, tomatoes, & spinach). You can keep it as simple or be as creative as you like.

Yields 1 serving

Time: 7-11 minutes


  • 2 eggs (2/3 serving of lean protein)

  • 1.3 oz part-skim shredded mozzarella cheese or other skim cheese of choice (1/3 serving of lean)

  • 9.5 oz frozen cauliflower rice (3 servings of greens) or choose the greens from version 2 or 3

  • 2 T Salsa (2 condiments)

  • pinch of salt

  • pinch of pepper


After beating the eggs, stir in the shredded cheese then follow the directions from version 1.


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