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05 Forgiveness

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

I wrote this poem over summer. I realized that I was carrying hurt that didn't have any place in my life. I was stuck with old wounds that prevented me from moving forward. So I decided to let past wrongs go and move forward. However, forgivness is one of those things that is easier said than done. As difficult as it is, it can be done and the freedom that comes with it is well worth the struggle.



That's all I have to do.


I once thought forgiveness was simple.

Once uttered,

Always true

I thought all I had to do was decide

And it would be so...

But now I know the struggle

How even when uttered the heart is slow to change

I thought forgiveness was something once done

Would be complete

But I now know that it must be done daily

Often hourly

Sometimes from minute to minute

How even when I mean it,

Seeds of hatred spring from the garden of my soul

And I must be reminded that...

I have been forgiven.

I have committed

Justice to the Lord

Left my cares at his feet.

I was forgiven,

So I by His grace,

I can forgive.

I forgive you

All your trespasses

And in so doing,

I break the chain that binds us

I find freedom

And hope that one day you can too

I forgive you.

I forgive you.

I forgive you.

by gjPoetry on Poetizer

06 - 29 - 19

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