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04/07/2020 Announcement

Sumida River - One of my favorite places in the world

I had just posted my March 16 blog post; still giddy from the two hikes I had just gone on over the weekend. The week before, I had submitted a series of four articles about Waseda University students and how they had spent their two-month spring break.

Beauty, even in sadness

My bosses had only agreed to two articles but as I started interviewing students, it became clear that I needed four articles. After writing all four up, I sent it in saying I understood if they only used the two articles they had agreed to (but secretly hoped they would take all four and pay for all four). They emailed me back saying they would use all four and pay me for it. I was finalizing my plans for the next few weeks and was excited to get some work done and maybe go hiking the following day. Then I got an email notification. My face fell when I opened it up and any sense of giddiness quickly evaporated. My circumstance had, in a matter of seconds, suddenly changed.

What that change is, I can’t elaborate on just yet. However, it is that change along with being in quarantine that leads to this announcement: I am taking a break. I need to deal with this new situation, focus on my next step, and the preparations I need to complete. So, I won’t be posting anything else on my blog or on YouTube for the month of April. I’m coming back on May 4th, but I still don’t know whether I’ll be going back to a weekly schedule. I’ll let you know what I decide on my next post. Hopefully, by then I can tell you what that email contained. But for now, I have to leave you on a cliff hanger.

Till Next Time,

Gabriella Jeane

Sumida River at Night

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